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Department of Mathematics, Lady Shri Ram College for Women presents Éclat, Volume XV.

1. History of Mathematics

a) Unraveling the Möbius Strip: A Study of Infinity
Author: Vidya Sagar, Animesha and Vanisha Pancholy
Abstract The never-ending one-sided symbol that represents Google Drive or the recycling symbol is known as a Möbius Strip. In this paper, we explore the Möbius Strip from its discovery to its practical applications. This paper deals with the topological properties and equation of the Möbius Strip, including its plotting. Additionally, we examine the relevance of the Möbius Strip in fields such as art, sciences, and architecture. & Download full PDF

2. Rigour in Mathematics

a) Krull’s Principal Ideal Theorem
Author: Sunil Kumar Yadav, Sanskriti Yadav and Sheetal
Abstract The Krull’s Principal Ideal Theorem is one of the fundamental results of commutative algebra. In this paper, we will mainly be focusing on the statement and the proof of Krull’s Principal Ideal Theorem and one of its application namely the Krull’s Dimension Theorem. & Download full PDF

b) Finding Solutions of MA-FAN Equation using General Kudryashov Method
Author: Shalini Yadav, Aliza Siddhu, Harshita Panwar and Sakshi Shukla
Abstract In this paper, we will obtain solutions of (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear MA-FAN equation which is employed to model the effects of weakly nonlinear restoring forces and frequency dispersion in long wavelength water waves. We will utilize the generalized Kudryashov method to derive the solutions of MA-FAN equation. Additionally, we will supplement our analysis with 3-D and 2-D graphics to illustrate the characteristics of the solutions. & Download full PDF

3. Extension of Course Content

a) Visualizing the Basins of Attraction of the Roots of Complex Polynomials
Author: Bhavneet Kaur, Akshi Sharma and Shaziya Parveen
Abstract In this paper, we discuss the application of Newton’s method to find the roots of complex polynomials and explore the intricacies of the fractal generated when the method is applied. A review of some useful properties of complex dynamics along with graphical representation is presented to explain the intriguing fractal structure. & Download full PDF

b) M/M/1 : ∞/FCFS Model with Working Vacation, Balking and Heterogenous Arrival
Author:  Anshul Kumar, Ekta Sehra and Priyanshi Gurjar
AbstractQueues are must when service demand surges and customer-server gap widens. Established systems like hospitals, call centres etc. are more susceptible to this overcrowding situation. To analyse such systems this research paper explores the M/M/1 queue model of Queueing theory. The aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the M/M/1 model’s behaviour and to model the flow of patients in a clinic with the impact of balking. Through the theoretical foundations of this model, we aim to unravel insights that can reform strategies for enhancing system performance, resource utilization, and overall patient satisfaction. & Download full PDF

c) A Mathematical Model for Analysis of Hussain Sagar Lake’s Water Pollution
Author: Jyoti Darbari, Alisha and Somya Garg
Abstract This paper assesses pollution influx into Hussain Sagar Lake, Telangana (1996-2021), focusing on Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Dissolved Oxygen (DO). Quantitative and qualitative analysis evaluates project impacts on the lake’s environment and ecosystem resilience. Comparative pre-intervention and post intervention assessments identify improvements or challenges from implemented projects. An ordinary differential equation model aids in efficient analysis. & Download full PDF

d) Family of Exponential Finite Difference Methods to Solve First Order Initial Value Problem
Author: Sucheta Nayak, Devyani Vijayasarathy and Nida Tanweer
AbstractIn this paper, family of exponential finite difference methods are developed to solve first order initial value problems. The convergence of the method has been provided, thus the order of convergence of methods containing one and two order respectively. The convergence is proved numerically using approximate solution deduced at distinct points in the solution interval. & Download full PDF

4. Interdisciplinary Aspects of Mathematics

a) PageRank Algorithm
Author: Mahesh Kumar and Aditi Khandelwal
AbstractWebpages present over the World Wide Web (WWW) are a rich source of information because the search results produced by the search engines today are very accurate and relevant. But this was only after 1998 when Larry and Brin introduced the PageRank algorithm that changed the course of web search forever. This paper aims to explain the mathematics and the model behind the PageRank algorithm by taking a few examples into account. The paper also discusses the other applications of PageRank algorithm in various domains. & Download full PDF

b) Mathematical Financial Econometrics: Non-Normal Distribution and Risk Forecasting
Author: Kuldeep, Mahima Ratra and Parnika Gupta
AbstractThis paper delves into the comprehensive realm of financial econometrics and mathematics, demonstrating their application in asset pricing, corporate finance, and risk management. Employing empirical methods, the study scrutinizes a dataset comprising equities, hedge funds, and bonds. The research highlights the evolving significance of these metrics, tracing their journey from inception to contemporary applications using the Jarque-Bera Test. & Download full PDF

5. Contribution of Women in Mathematics

a) Sujatha Ramdorai: An Indian Woman Mathematician
Author: Kiran Meena, Naga Siva Gayatri Dittakavi and Shaziya Parveen
Abstract The paper features one of the most esteemed mathematicians in India, Professor Sujatha Ramdorai. This article aims to reflect on her remarkable achievements and contributions to the field. The paper also includes an interaction with Professor Ramdorai in which she shares valuable insights on various topics ranging from advancing mathematical research in India to increasing diversity in academia. & Download full PDF