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Lighting the path for budding researchers


Interested authors may submit their manuscript at the following email address:

Accepted papers submitted in their final form for publication, must use the Latex authoring template design according to the format given below.

Besides submitting the final drafts of the paper, the following undertaking must be signed by both, the author(s) and the mentor, to ensure minimal plagiarism and confirm complete supervision of mentor.

In case the author does not require a mentor, the author(s) must submit the following declaration. In case of two or more authors for a single paper, each of the contributors is required to submit this declaration form separately.


  • The manuscript submitted to the journal should not be submitted elsewhere.
  • Authors must not use the words, figures or ideas of others without citation/attribution. Any of the sources must be cited at the point where it is used, and mentioned in the references given after the article.
  •  Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behaviour and will be highly condemnable, and the onus will be on the author(s)/contributor(s).
  • We want to observe zero tolerance towards plagiarism in our journal. Manuscripts will be screened for plagiarism before the final publication, and in case found unfit, shall be denied of publication. 
  • Article may be retracted at any stage, if found unsuitable due to any unethical reason.

In case of any legal dispute regarding the article of any author, the author(s) himself / herself shall be solely liable to face the consequencesand in no way shall the publisher, Lady Shri Ram College for Women (University of Delhi), Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi-110024, have any kind of liability for the same.