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Lighting the path for budding researchers

About the Journal

Éclat, meaning brilliance, is derived from the French language. It is an annual journal of mathematics, being produced by the Department of Mathematics, Lady Shri Ram College for Women to provide a platform to undergraduate students to gain an experience of writing an academic paper in the area of mathematics. 

The journey of this academic journal of the Mathematics Department began with ‘Terminus A Quo‘ in the year 2004. It was an attempt to pore over and examine various dimensions of Mathematics through student-written articles. After a gap of few years of non-publication, it was revived into Éclat in the year 2010. The Department of Mathematics has been bringing out the journal in print form for the last 10 years. But now, to extend its accessibility and go green, we have decided to shift from print to e-journal format with effect from the academic year 2019-20. 

In an attempt to present diverse concepts, and to provide a wider range of topics to the contributors, the journal was divided into four sections as below.

History of Mathematics: The history behind various mathematical concepts and great mathematicians is intriguing. The section covers the genesis of mathematical ideas, the stream of thought that created the problem, and what led to its solution. The aim is to acquaint the readers with historically important mathematical vignettes and familiarise them with some important ideas of mathematics.     

Rigour in Mathematics: This section introduces advance mathematics to the readers aiming at high standards of proofs. It stimulates interest and lays the foundation for further studies in different branches.

Extension of Course Content: A great deal of learning happens beyond the formal coursework. This section hence, aims to provide a creative, fertile setting for productive research that goes beyond the confines of classroom and precincts of syllabi. It strengthens and expands the existing knowledge, adds interest to the course and provides an experience of transformative learning.

Interdisciplinary Aspects of Mathematics: Mathematics is not merely a classroom discipline but a powerful tool for organizing and understanding various concepts and applications. This section covers topics that delve into other disciplines, thereby integrating the mode of thinking and knowledge of the respective discipline with mathematics. The section hence highlights the cosmic scope of the subject, leveraging its amalgamation with other disciplines.

A new section “Contribution of Women in Mathematics” has been added from the academic year 2019-20. The idea behind this is to emphasise the importance / dire need to portray female role models in the scientific research fraternity. It aims to motivate students of the department (and outside), and help them to overcome and disregard the widely spread weak perception & belief about women in mathematics. 

The work contained in this journal is not original but consists of review articles written by both students and faculty members from within (or, outside) the college. The compilation evolves as a result of continuous analysis, discussion and counsel of the faculty. Over the years, the journal has encouraged students to hone their skills in undertaking individual research and writing academic papers. It has given students the opportunity to delve into various areas beyond the prescribed limits of the text and to broaden their knowledge of the subject. 

Unlike previous years, the Editorial Board has taken a new prominent step, from the academic year 2019-20 onward, to enhance the standard of the journal. Under this initiative, a rigorous procedure is followed whereby a mentor is assigned to each of the student contributors. Also, it has been made mandatory for each of such students to prepare it under the guidance of the assigned mentor and present it during the annually held Anupama Dua Paper Presentation and Scholarship Function.

The articles are predominantly contributed by undergraduate students of the department under the supervision of mentors (from within/outside the college). Also, all the articles published in the e-journal of Mathematics Éclat are under the copyright © 2020, Lady Shri Ram College for Women (University of Delhi), Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi-110024. The Editorial Board is now also open to receiving works from postgraduates and faculty members. The journal, which was only an idea a decade ago, is now an integral part of the Department of Mathematics.